Gay sex art gallery

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Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Through Sept. 5 Installation view, Queer Communion: Ron Athey. Groundbreaking queer performance artist Ron Athey finally gets his due in this survey of his work and career, in which his highly visceral performances and transformative use of his own body as a site of trauma, resistance, sexuality and religious ecstasy earned him a spot center stage in the 1990s culture wars - and has strongly influenced a generation of both artists and viewers ever since. Queer Communion: Ron Athey Institute of Contemporary Art / Los Angeles 30 “Intimacy: New Queer Art from Berlin and Beyond”. The show includes more than 30 pieces from iconic global queer artists such as AA Bronson, Annie Liebovitz, Slava Mogutin and Zanele Muholi. Intimacy is one of queer art’s enduring central themes, and here it’s granted an entire exhibition dedicated to showcasing some of the many ways - in both theme and format - that queer intimacy is portrayed in contemporary art. Intimacy: New Queer Art From Berlin and Beyond Schwules Museum / Berlin

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Organized last year to honor the 100th birthday of Touko Laaksonen (better known to the world as Tom of Finland) by Fotografiska Stockholm and the Tom of Finland Foundation, this studly show reveals his work process through the photographic portraits that served as source material for many of his famed homoerotic drawings. Tom of Finland: The Darkroom Fotografiska / New York

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